After this process water is used
to drinking but this water is not transfer in boiler for the purpose of steam
generation (chlorination is done to kill bacteria) . Only undissolved
impurities are remove by above process . The water still contains dissolved
salt and minerals. Present this salt and minerals are responsible for
hardness of water. Their are two type of hardness in water.
First temporary hardness and second is permanent hardness. Temporary
hardness are remove by boiling the water bicarbonates and magnesium are
responsible for temporary hardness. permanent hardness remove by many method.
*Dissolved impurities- after
remove undissolved impurities in water ,its it use drinking but their don't
sent in boiler for steam generation because some salt of calcium , iron,
aluminum, magnesium and other gas etc are present in water then as
it form a sludge.
Natural source of water contain silica. Present of silica is not
desirable in feed water, as its form hard scale. Sometime silica is evaporated
and carried out in steam which form an insoluble deposit on the turbine
blades , then the efficiency of turbine is decrease.
So some treatment are apply to
remove the salt in boiler feed water .
treatments are apply inside the boiler it is called internal treatment and
those treatment are apply outside the boiler it is called external
:: Internal treatment- In internal treatment ,chemical are added in
boiler water. these chemical are react with water salts and convert a harmful
sludge after some time this sludge settle down by gravity for force .later then
this sludge remove by blow down .
Some internal treatment are basically use in boiler.
* Soda ash (sodium carbonate Na2) treatment - soda ash treatment is also use in low pressure boiler
. In this process soda ash is added in boiler water , it react with chlorides
and sulphates of magnesium and calcium to convert into insoluble sludge
Cacl2 + Na2Co3 → CaCo3 +
MgSo4 + Na2Co3 →MgCo3 +
* Phosphate treatment or Hp dosing ( high pressure dosing) – In high pressure boiler soda ash treatment is not used , it
is form caustic soda and increase with the increase in temperature. Hence
it is very difficult to maintain the ph valve of boiler water .Also , at higher
PH solubility of calcium carbonate increase . so ,in high pressure boiler
phosphate treatment is preferred as internal treatment.
HP dosing is
only use in drum type boiler , chemicals are added in boiler in boiler
drum because phosphate work on absolute temperature and create a harmful sludge
, this sludge are remove by CBD(continuous blow down).
Trisodium phosphate (Na3PO4), Disodium phosphate(Na2HPO4),
Monosodium phosphate(NaH2PO4) are use in hp dosing. TSP
is highly alkaline , DSP is less alkaline and MSP is slightly alkaline . It is
use to different purpose. This chemical is also called orthophosphates.
:: External treatment – we are discussed internal treatment method for
remove the dissolve impurity in boiler feed water but there are not sufficient
in a high pressure boiler.
Feed water treated externally before sending in
boiler. By using external treated water, the quality of the boiler water can be
maintain with little blowdown. Particularly , in case of once
though boiler the feed water is treated externally , as no further internal
treatment is possible.
We are used some process to remove the dissolved
salts and minerals in boiler feed water
*Softener process
*RO ( reverse osmosis )
* Demineralization process/ Cation and
anion exchanger
Some process are used to remove the dissolve gases
in feed water
* LP dosing
* Degasser
* Deaerator
We are discussed in following process in details.
SOFTNER- In softener is make hard water into soft
water. softener is used for low pressure boiler. It is easily remove scale
forming calcium and magnesium iron from water by iron exchange process using
resin. Hard water contains salts of magnesium and calcium. Water hardness is
measured in grains per gallon or milligrams per liter(mg/liter) or equivalent
part per million(ppm).
In this process,
softener vessel is filled with negatively charge resin these resin is react
with positively charge calcium and magnesium iron and it is exchange, sodium
into water because resin is in a sodium form. The water is come out is soft
form. After some time resin is discharge so first resin bed is backwashed to
remove any filtered particles and recharge with sodium chloride or NaCl.
Chemical reaction
RCa + NaCL→ RNa + CaCl2
RMg + NaCL→ RNa + MgCl2
Demineralization process– In
industrial water treated by demineralization
process, in this process dissolved impurities are remove form feed water and
process to steam generation. Demineralised
water complete (almost) free of dissolved minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron,
copper etc.
* Principle
of demineralization process –Water
free from undissolved suspend solids(from
pressures filter and active carbon filter) passes through a cation exchange containing a bed of cross-linked
polymers called cation resin. This resin containing hydrogen ions (H+)
.When water passes through the bed , earlier mentioned cation are substituted
by these H+ ions of the resin.
Water coming out form cation exchange is acidic in nature which passes
through another exchange, i.e anion exchanger ,anion exchanger contains another
type of resin called anion resin containing hydroxide ions OH- .
When water from the cation passed through anion resin, earlier discussed anion
are substituted by OH- ions of resin.
In between the cation and anion exchanger, there is a degasifier unit
.Here, carbonate and bicarbonates are removed.
DM water treatment process
Degasser- As
state in earlier section, when carbonates and bicarbonates are passed though
the cation and anion exchanger, carbonic acid (H2CO3) is
formed . carbonic is a weak acid. Soft drinks available in market contain
carbonic acid. This can easily be broken into water and carbon dioxide gas.
H2CO3 → H2O +CO3